Meet Our Carrying Consultants

  • Rachel is a midwife, carrying consultant & co-founder of Carried & its’ umbrella companty Gathered.

    Rachel carried both of her kids, now primary school children, as babies & toddlers, finding it one of the most useful practical tools for settling them & giving her the independence to leave the house. Rachel incorporates learning about carrying into antenatal education, as one of the core componenets of helping parents to cope in the early months of new parenthood.

  • Martha is a carrying consultant, a mother of three and experienced early years practitioner, and amazing seamstress!

  • Katharine is a carrying & parenting consultant, co-founder of Carried & umbrella company, Gathered, a mother of two and experienced primary teacher.

  • Helen facilitates local antenatal courses, teaches baby massage and is a carrying consultant. She is a mother to 2 primary aged children.